Get familiar with Kosli #
The following guide is the easiest and quickest way to try Kosli out and understand its features. It is made to run from your local machine, but the same concepts and steps apply to using Kosli in a production setup.
In this tutorial, you'll learn how Kosli allows you to track a source code change from runtime environments.
You'll set up a docker
environment, use Kosli to record build and deployment events, and track what
artifacts are running in your runtime environment.
This tutorial uses the docker
Kosli environment type, but the same steps can be applied to
other supported environment types.
As you go through the guide you can also check your progress from your browser.
In the upper left corner there is a house icon. Next to it you can select which organization you want to view. Your personal organization has the same name as your GitHub login name, and is the organization you will be using in this guide.
Playground is an alternative version of this tutorial in which you embed the Kosli commands in a GitHub CI Workflow (in a clone of the playground repo) rather than running them directly from your terminal.
Step 1: Prerequisites and Kosli account #
To follow the tutorial, you will need to:
. -
Create a Kosli account if you have not got one already.
Set the
environment variables:export KOSLI_ORG=<your-org> export KOSLI_API_TOKEN=<your-api-token>
copied! -
You can check your Kosli set up by running:
kosli list flows
copied!which should return a list of flows or the message "No flows were found".
Clone our quickstart-docker repository:
git clone cd quickstart-docker-example
copied! -
Export the head commit in a variable (will be used in several of the commands below):
export GIT_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
Step 2: Create a Kosli Flow #
The Flow's yml template-file exists in the git repository. Confirm this yml file exists by catting it:
cat kosli.yml
You will see the following output, specifying the existence of an Artifact named nginx
- name: nginx
Create a Kosli Flow called quickstart-nginx
using this yml template-file:
kosli create flow quickstart-nginx \
--description "Flow for quickstart nginx image" \
--template-file kosli.yml
Confirm the Kosli Flow called quickstart-nginx
was created:
kosli list flows
which will produce the following output:
quickstart-nginx Flow for quickstart nginx image private
In the web interface you can select Flows on the left. It will show you that you have a quickstart-nginx Flow. If you select the Flow it will show that no Artifacts have been reported yet.
Step 3: Create a Kosli Trail #
Create a Kosli Trail, in the quickstart-nginx
Flow, whose
name is the repository's current git-commit:
kosli begin trail ${GIT_COMMIT} \
--flow quickstart-nginx
Step 4: Attest an Artifact to Kosli #
Typically, you would build an Artifact in your CI system, in response to a git-commit being pushed.
The quickstart-docker repository contains a docker-compose.yml
file that uses a public nginx
docker image which you will be using as your Artifact in this tutorial instead.
Now report the artifact to Kosli using the kosli attest artifact
- The
flag has the valuenginx
which is the (only) artifact name defined in thekosli.yml
file from step 2. - The
flags have dummy values; in a real call these would be the CI and git hosting provider URLs respectively.
kosli attest artifact nginx:1.21 \
--name nginx \
--flow quickstart-nginx \
--trail ${GIT_COMMIT} \
--artifact-type oci \
--build-url \
--commit-url \
--commit $(git rev-parse HEAD)
You can verify that you have reported the Artifact in your quickstart-nginx flow:
kosli list artifacts --flow quickstart-nginx
9f14efa Name: nginx:1.21 COMPLIANT Tue, 01 Nov 2022 15:46:59 CET
Fingerprint: 2bcabc23b45489fb0885d69a06ba1d648aeda973fae7bb981bafbb884165e514
Step 5: Create a Kosli environment #
Create a Kosli Environment called quickstart
whose type is docker
kosli create environment quickstart \
--type docker \
--description "quickstart environment for tutorial"
You can verify that the Kosli Environment was created:
kosli list environments
quickstart docker 2022-11-01T15:30:56+01:00
If you refresh the Environments web page in your Kosli account, it will show you that you have a quickstart environment and that no snapshot reports have been received yet.
Step 6: Report what is running in your environment #
First, run the artifact:
docker compose up -d
Confirm the container is running:
docker ps
The output should include an entry similar to this:
6330e545b532 nginx:1.21 "/docker-entrypoint.…" 35 seconds ago Up 34 seconds>80/tcp quickstart-nginx
Report all the docker containers running on your machine to Kosli:
kosli snapshot docker quickstart
You can confirm this has created an environment snapshot:
kosli list snapshots quickstart
1 Tue, 01 Nov 2022 15:55:49 CET now 11 seconds
You can get a detailed view of all the docker containers included in the snapshot report:
kosli get snapshot quickstart
N/A Name: nginx:1.21 N/A 3 minutes ago 1
Fingerprint: 8f05d73835934b8220e1abd2f157ea4e2260b9c26f6f63a8e3975e7affa46724
The kosli snapshot docker
command reports all the
docker containers running in your environment, equivalent to the output from
docker ps
. This tutorial only shows the nginx
in the examples.
If you refresh the Environments web page in your Kosli account, you will see that there is now a timestamp for Last Change At column. Select the quickstart link on left for a detailed view of what is currently running.
Step 7: Searching Kosli #
Now that you have reported your Artifact and what's running in your runtime environment,
you can use the kosli search
command to find everything Kosli knows about an Artifact or a git-commit.
For example, you can give Kosli search the git-commit whose CI run built and deployed the Artifact:
kosli search ${GIT_COMMIT}
Search result resolved to commit 9f14efa0c91807da9a8b1d1d6332c5b3aa24a310
Name: nginx:1.21
Fingerprint: 2bcabc23b45489fb0885d69a06ba1d648aeda973fae7bb981bafbb884165e514
Has provenance: true
Flow: quickstart-nginx
Git commit: 9f14efa0c91807da9a8b1d1d6332c5b3aa24a310
Commit URL:
Build URL:
Compliance state: COMPLIANT
Artifact created Tue, 01 Nov 2022 15:46:59 CET
Deployment #1 to quickstart environment Tue, 01 Nov 2022 15:48:47 CET
Started running in quickstart#1 environment Tue, 01 Nov 2022 15:55:49 CET
Visit the Kosli Querying guide to learn more about the search command.