kosli expect deployment #

Synopsis #

Report a deployment of an artifact to an environment to Kosli. The artifact SHA256 fingerprint is calculated (based on --artifact-type flag) or alternatively it can be provided directly (with --sha256 flag).

kosli expect deployment [IMAGE-NAME | FILE-PATH | DIR-PATH] [flags]

Flags #

Flag Description
-t, --artifact-type string [conditional] The type of the artifact to calculate its SHA256 fingerprint. One of: [docker, file, dir]. Only required if you don't specify '--sha256' or '--fingerprint'.
-b, --build-url string The url of CI pipeline that built the artifact. (defaulted in some CIs: https://docs.kosli.com/ci-defaults ).
-d, --description string [optional] The artifact description.
-D, --dry-run [optional] Run in dry-run mode. When enabled, no data is sent to Kosli and the CLI exits with 0 exit code regardless of any errors.
-e, --environment string The environment name.
-h, --help help for deployment
-p, --pipeline string The Kosli pipeline name.
--registry-password string [conditional] The docker registry password or access token. Only required if you want to read docker image SHA256 digest from a remote docker registry.
--registry-provider string [conditional] The docker registry provider or url. Only required if you want to read docker image SHA256 digest from a remote docker registry.
--registry-username string [conditional] The docker registry username. Only required if you want to read docker image SHA256 digest from a remote docker registry.
-s, --sha256 string [conditional] The SHA256 fingerprint for the artifact. Only required if you don't specify '--artifact-type'.
-u, --user-data string [optional] The path to a JSON file containing additional data you would like to attach to this deployment.

Options inherited from parent commands #

Flag Description
-a, --api-token string The Kosli API token.
-c, --config-file string [optional] The Kosli config file path. (default "kosli")
--debug [optional] Print debug logs to stdout.
-H, --host string [defaulted] The Kosli endpoint. (default "https://app.kosli.com")
-r, --max-api-retries int [defaulted] How many times should API calls be retried when the API host is not reachable. (default 3)
--owner string The Kosli user or organization.