kosli create flow #

Synopsis #

Create or update a Kosli flow. You can specify flow parameters in flags.

kosli create flow FLOW-NAME [flags]

Flags #

Flag Description
--description string [optional] The Kosli flow description.
-D, --dry-run [optional] Run in dry-run mode. When enabled, no data is sent to Kosli and the CLI exits with 0 exit code regardless of any errors.
-h, --help help for flow
-t, --template strings [defaulted] The comma-separated list of required compliance controls names.
-f, --template-file string [optional] The path to a yaml template file. Cannot be used together with --use-empty-template
--use-empty-template Use an empty template for the flow creation without specifying a file. Cannot be used together with --template or --template-file
--visibility string [defaulted] The visibility of the Kosli flow. Valid visibilities are [public, private]. (default "private")

Flags inherited from parent commands #

Flag Description
-a, --api-token string The Kosli API token.
-c, --config-file string [optional] The Kosli config file path. (default "kosli")
--debug [optional] Print debug logs to stdout. A boolean flag https://docs.kosli.com/faq/#boolean-flags (default false)
-H, --host string [defaulted] The Kosli endpoint. (default "https://app.kosli.com")
--http-proxy string [optional] The HTTP proxy URL including protocol and port number. e.g. 'http://proxy-server-ip:proxy-port'
-r, --max-api-retries int [defaulted] How many times should API calls be retried when the API host is not reachable. (default 3)
--org string The Kosli organization.

Live Examples in different CI systems #

View an example of the kosli create flow command in GitHub.

In this YAML file

View an example of the kosli create flow command in GitLab.

In this YAML file

Examples Use Cases #

create/update a Kosli flow (with empty template)

kosli create flow yourFlowName \
	--description yourFlowDescription \
	--visibility private OR public \
	--use-empty-template \
	--api-token yourAPIToken \
	--org yourOrgName

create/update a Kosli flow (with template file)

kosli create flow yourFlowName \
	--description yourFlowDescription \
	--visibility private OR public \
	--template-file /path/to/your/template/file.yml \
	--api-token yourAPIToken \
	--org yourOrgName