CLI v0.1.x => 2.0.0 migration #
If you decided to migrate Kosli cli from version v0.1.x to v2.0.0 or later the table below can help you with figuring out how the commands have changed.
Keep in mind that for some commands the flag names or argument types are also updated, so have a look at documentation for each command before switching.
Reach out to us using Slack if you find yourself in trouble.
Commands #
v0.1.x | v2.0.0 |
kosli approval get | kosli get approval |
kosli approval ls | kosli list approvals |
kosli artifact get | kosli get artifact |
kosli artifact ls | kosli list artifacts |
kosli assert artifact | kosli assert artifact |
kosli assert bitbucket-pullrequest | kosli assert pullrequest bitbucket |
kosli assert environment | kosli assert snapshot |
kosli assert github-pullrequest | kosli assert pullrequest github |
kosli assert gitlab-mergerequest | kosli assert pullrequest gitlab |
kosli assert status | kosli assert status |
kosli commit report evidence bitbucket-pullrequest | kosli report evidence commit pullrequest bitbucket |
kosli commit report evidence generic | kosli report evidence commit generic |
kosli commit report evidence github-pullrequest | kosli report evidence commit pullrequest github |
kosli commit report evidence gitlab-mergerequest | kosli report evidence commit pullrequest gitlab |
kosli commit report evidence junit | kosli report evidence commit junit |
kosli commit report evidence snyk | kosli report evidence commit snyk |
kosli completion | kosli completion |
kosli deployment get | kosli get deployment |
kosli deployment ls | kosli list deployments |
kosli environment allowedartifacts add | kosli allow artifact |
kosli environment declare | kosli create environment |
kosli environment diff | kosli diff snapshots |
kosli environment get | kosli get snapshot |
kosli environment inspect | kosli get environment |
kosli environment log | kosli list snapshots |
kosli environment log --long | kosli log environment |
kosli environment ls | kosli list environments |
kosli environment rename | kosli rename environment |
kosli environment report docker | kosli snapshot docker |
kosli environment report ecs | kosli snapshot ecs |
kosli environment report k8s | kosli snapshot k8s |
kosli environment report lambda | kosli snapshot lambda |
kosli environment report s3 | kosli snapshot s3 |
kosli environment report server | kosli snapshot server |
kosli expect deployment | kosli expect deployment |
kosli pipeline deployment report | kosli expect deployment |
kosli fingerprint | kosli fingerprint |
kosli pipeline approval assert | kosli assert approval |
kosli pipeline approval report | kosli report approval |
kosli pipeline approval request | kosli request approval |
kosli pipeline artifact report creation | kosli report artifact |
kosli pipeline artifact report evidence bitbucket-pullrequest | kosli report evidence artifact pullrequest bitbucket |
kosli pipeline artifact report evidence generic | kosli report evidence artifact generic |
kosli pipeline artifact report evidence github-pullrequest | kosli report evidence artifact pullrequest github |
kosli pipeline artifact report evidence gitlab-mergerequest | kosli report evidence artifact pullrequest gitlab |
kosli pipeline artifact report evidence junit | kosli report evidence artifact junit |
pipeline artifact report evidence test | kosli report evidence artifact junit |
kosli pipeline artifact report evidence snyk | kosli report evidence artifact snyk |
kosli pipeline declare | kosli create flow |
kosli pipeline inspect | kosli get flow |
kosli pipeline ls | kosli list flows |
kosli search | kosli search |
kosli status | kosli status |
kosli version | kosli version |
Flags/Arguments #
v0.1.x | v2.0.0 |
Pipeline as argument (for some commands) | --flow |
--owner | --org |
--sha256 | --fingerprint |
--pipeline | --flow |
--pipelines | --flows |
--evidence-type | --name |