kosli request approval #
Synopsis #
Request an approval of a deployment of an artifact to an environment in Kosli.
The request should be reviewed in the Kosli UI.
The artifact fingerprint can be provided directly with the --fingerprint
flag, or
calculated based on --artifact-type
Artifact type can be one of: "file" for files, "dir" for directories, "oci" for container images in registries or "docker" for local docker images.
kosli request approval [IMAGE-NAME | FILE-PATH | DIR-PATH] [flags]
Flags #
Flag | Description |
-t, --artifact-type string | The type of the artifact to calculate its SHA256 fingerprint. One of: [oci, docker, file, dir]. Only required if you want Kosli to calculate the fingerprint for you (i.e. when you don't specify '--fingerprint' on commands that allow it). |
-d, --description string | [optional] The approval description. |
-D, --dry-run | [optional] Run in dry-run mode. When enabled, no data is sent to Kosli and the CLI exits with 0 exit code regardless of any errors. |
-e, --environment string | [defaulted] The environment the artifact is approved for. (defaults to all environments) |
-x, --exclude strings | [optional] The comma separated list of directories and files to exclude from fingerprinting. Can take glob patterns. Only applicable for --artifact-type dir. |
-F, --fingerprint string | [conditional] The SHA256 fingerprint of the artifact. Only required if you don't specify '--artifact-type'. |
-f, --flow string | The Kosli flow name. |
-h, --help | help for approval |
--newest-commit string | [defaulted] The source commit sha for the newest change in the deployment. Can be any commit-ish. (default "HEAD") |
--oldest-commit string | [conditional] The source commit sha for the oldest change in the deployment. Can be any commit-ish. Only required if you don't specify '--environment'. |
--registry-password string | [conditional] The container registry password or access token. Only required if you want to read container image SHA256 digest from a remote container registry. |
--registry-username string | [conditional] The container registry username. Only required if you want to read container image SHA256 digest from a remote container registry. |
--repo-root string | [defaulted] The directory where the source git repository is available. (default ".") |
-u, --user-data string | [optional] The path to a JSON file containing additional data you would like to attach to the approval. |
Flags inherited from parent commands #
Flag | Description |
-a, --api-token string | The Kosli API token. |
-c, --config-file string | [optional] The Kosli config file path. (default "kosli") |
--debug | [optional] Print debug logs to stdout. A boolean flag https://docs.kosli.com/faq/#boolean-flags (default false) |
-H, --host string | [defaulted] The Kosli endpoint. (default "https://app.kosli.com") |
--http-proxy string | [optional] The HTTP proxy URL including protocol and port number. e.g. 'http://proxy-server-ip:proxy-port' |
-r, --max-api-retries int | [defaulted] How many times should API calls be retried when the API host is not reachable. (default 3) |
--org string | The Kosli organization. |
Examples Use Cases #
# Request an approval for an artifact with a provided fingerprint (sha256)
# for deployment to environment <yourEnvironmentName>.
# The approval is for all git commits since the last approval to this environment.
kosli request approval \
--api-token yourAPIToken \
--description "An optional description for the approval" \
--environment yourEnvironmentName \
--org yourOrgName \
--flow yourFlowName \
--fingerprint yourArtifactFingerprint
# Request that a file type artifact needs approval for deployment to environment <yourEnvironmentName>.
# The approval is for all git commits since the last approval to this environment.
kosli request approval FILE.tgz \
--api-token yourAPIToken \
--artifact-type file \
--description "An optional description for the requested approval" \
--environment yourEnvironmentName \
--newest-commit HEAD \
--org yourOrgName \
--flow yourFlowName
# Request an approval for an artifact with a provided fingerprint (sha256).
# The approval is for all environments.
# The approval is for all commits since the git commit of origin/production branch.
kosli request approval \
--api-token yourAPIToken \
--description "An optional description for the requested approval" \
--newest-commit HEAD \
--oldest-commit origin/production \
--org yourOrgName \
--flow yourFlowName \
--fingerprint yourArtifactFingerprint