Part 9: Environment Policies #
Environment policies is in alpha. It is subject to change, including naming, syntax, CLI commands, etc. If you want to try this feature, create a policy and attach it to an environment.
Note that once an environment starts using policies, it is not possible to go back to not using them.
Environment Policies enable you to define and enforce compliance requirements for artifact deployments across different environments. With Environment Policies, you can:
- Define specific requirements for each environment (e.g, dev, staging, prod)
- Enforce consistent compliance standards across your deployment pipeline
- Prevent non-compliant artifacts from being deployed (via admission controllers)
Polices are written in YAML and are immutable (updating a policy creates a new version). They can be attached to one or more environments, and an environment can have one or more policies attached to it.
Create a Policy #
You can create a policy via CLI or via the API. Here is a basic policy that requires provenance and specific attestations:
# prod-policy.yaml
artifacts: # the rules apply to artifacts in an environment snapshot
required: true # all artifacts must have provenance
- name: dependency-scan # all artifacts must have dependency-scan attestation
type: '*' # any attestation type
- name: unit-test # all artifacts must have unit-test attestation
type: junit # must be a 'junit' attestation type
You can create and manage policies using the Kosli CLI (global flags like org and api-token are omitted for brevity):
kosli create policy prod-requirements prod-policy.yaml
kosli create get policy prod-requirements
See kosli create policy for usage details and examples.
Once you create a policy, you will be able to see it in the UI under
in the left navigation menu.
Declarative Policy Syntax #
A Policy is declaratively defined according to the following schema:
required: true | false (default = false)
exceptions: (default [])
- if: ${{ expression }}
required: true | false (default = false)
exceptions: (default [])
- if: ${{ expression }}
attestations: (default [])
- if: ${{ expression }} (default = true)
name: str (default = "*") # cannot have both name and type as *
type: oneOf ['*', 'junit', 'jira', 'pull_request', 'snyk', 'sonar', 'generic', 'custom:<custom-type-name>'] (default = "*") # cannot have both name and type as *
Policy Rules #
A policy consists of rules
which are applied to artifacts in an environment snapshot.
Provenance #
required: true # Requires artifact to be part of a Kosli Flow
Trail Compliance #
required: true # Requires the trail in which the artifact is attested to be compliant
Specific Attestations #
- name: '*' # attestation name can be anything
type: pull-request
- name: acceptance-test
type: '*' # attestation type can be any built-in or existing custom type
- name: security-scan
type: snyk
- name: coverage-metrics
type: custom:my-coverage-metrics # custom attestation type
Policy Rules Exceptions #
You can add exceptions to policy rules using expressions.
required: true
# provenance is required except when one of the expressions evaluates to true
- if: ${{ expression1 }}
- if: ${{ expression2 }}
required: true
# trail-compliance is required except when one of the expressions evaluates to true
- if: ${{ expression1 }}
- if: ${{ expression2 }}
- if: ${{ expression }} # this attestation is only required when expression evaluates to true
name: unit-tests
type: junit
Policy Expressions #
Policy expressions allow you to create conditional rules using a simple and powerful syntax. Expressions are wrapped in ${{ }}
and can be used in policy rules to create dynamic conditions. An expression consists of operands and operators:
Expressions support these operators:
- Comparison:
==, !=, <, >, <=, >=
- Logical:
and, or, not
- List membership:
Operands can be:
- Literal string
- List
- Context variable
- Function call
Available Contexts
Contexts are built-in objects which are accessible from an expression. Expressions can access two main contexts:
- Information about the Kosli
- Name of the flowflow.tags
- Flow tags (accessed via flow.tags.tag_name)
- Information about the
- Name of the artifactartifact.fingerprint
- SHA256 fingerprint
Functions are helpers that can be used when constructing conditions. They may or may not accept arguments. Arguments can be literals or context variables. Expressions can use following functions:
: checks whether the value of arg is not None/Nullmatches(input, regex)
: checks if input matches regex
Example Expressions
- ${{ exists(flow) }}
- ${{ in ["runner", 'saver', differ] }}
- ${{ matches(, "^datadog:.*") }}
- ${{ == "runner" and matches(, "^runner:.*") }}
- ${{ flow.tags.risk-level == "high" or matches(, "^runner:.*") }}
- ${{ not flow.tags.risk-level == "high"}}
- ${{ flow.tags.risk-level != "high"}}
- ${{ flow.tags.key.with.dots == "value"}}
- ${{ flow.tags.risk-level >= 2 }}
- ${{ == 'prod' and (flow.tags.key_name == "value" or == 'critical-service') }}
- ${{ == 'HIGH-RISK' and artifact.fingerprint == "37193ba1f3da2581e93ff1a9bba523241a7982a6c01dd311494b0aff6d349462" }}
Attaching/Detaching Policies to/from Environments #
Once you define your policies, you can attach them to environments via CLI or API:
kosli attach-policy prod-requirements --environment=aws-production
To detach a policy from an environment:
kosli detach-policy prod-requirements --environment=aws-production
Any attachment/detachment operation automatically triggers an evaluation of the latest environment snapshot and creates a new one with an updated compliance status.
If you detach all attached policies from an environment, the environment will have no defined requirements for artifacts running in it, and therefore, new environment snapshots will have status
Policy Enforcement Gates #
Environment policies enable you to proactively block deploying a non-compliant artifact into an environment. This can be done as a deployment gate in your delivery pipeline or as an admission controller in your environment.
Regardless of where you place your policy enforcement gate, it will be using the assert artifact
Kosli CLI command or its equivalent API call.
kosli assert artifact --fingerprint=$SHA256 --environment=aws-production