Part 2: Install Kosli #

Kosli CLI can be installed from package managers, by Curling pre-built binaries, or can be used from the distributed Docker images.

If you have Homebrew (available on MacOS, Linux or Windows Subsystem for Linux), you can install the Kosli CLI by running:

brew install kosli-cli

On Ubuntu or Debian Linux, you can use APT to install the Kosli CLI by running:

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [trusted=yes] /"  > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fury.list'
# On a clean debian container/machine, you need ca-certificates
sudo apt install ca-certificates
sudo apt update
sudo apt install kosli

On RedHat Linux, you can use YUM to install the Kosli CLI by running:

cat <<EOT >> /etc/yum.repos.d/kosli.repo
name=Kosli public Repo

If you get mirrorlist errors (likely if you are on a clean centos container):

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
sed -i 's/mirrorlist/#mirrorlist/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*
sed -i 's|#baseurl=|baseurl=|g' /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*
yum update -y
yum install kosli

You can download the Kosli CLI from GitHub.
Make sure to choose the correct tar file for your system.
For example, on Mac with AMD:

curl -L | tar zx
sudo mv kosli /usr/local/bin/kosli

You can run the Kosli CLI with docker:

docker run --rm

The entrypoint for this container is the kosli command.

To run any kosli command you append it to the docker run command above – without the kosli keyword. For example to run kosli version:

docker run --rm version

You can build Kosli CLI from source by running:

git clone
cd cli
make build

Verifying the installation worked #

Run this command:

kosli version

The expected output should be similar to this:

version.BuildInfo{Version:"v2.11.0", GitCommit:"4058e8932ec093c28f553177e41c906940114866", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.19.5"}

Using the CLI #

The CLI Reference section contains all the information you may need to run the Kosli CLI. The CLI flags offer flexibility for configuration and can be assigned in three distinct manners:

  1. Directly on the command line.
  2. Via environment variables.
  3. Within a config file.

Among these options, priority is given in the following order: Option 1 holds the highest precedence, followed by Option 2, with Option 3 being the least prioritized.

Assigning flags via environment variables #

To assign a CLI flag using environment variables, generate a variable prefixed with KOSLI_. Utilize the flag's name in uppercase and substitute any internal dashes with underscores. For instance:

  • --api-token corresponds to KOSLI_API_TOKEN
  • --org corresponds to KOSLI_ORG

Assigning flags via config files #

A config file is an alternative to using Kosli flags or environment variables. You could use a config file for the values that rarely change - like API token or org, but you can represent all Kosli flags in a config file.

Each key in the config file corresponds to the flag name, capitalized. For instance:

  • --api-token would become API-TOKEN.
  • --org would become ORG.

Config files can be written in JSON, YAML, or TOML formats.

To direct Kosli CLI to use a config file, employ the --config-file flag when executing Kosli commands. By default, the CLI looks for a config file called kosli.<yaml/yml/json/toml>

Below are examples of different config file formats:


  "ORG": "my-org",
  "API-TOKEN": "123456abcdef"


ORG: "my-org"
API-TOKEN: "123456abcdef"


ORG = "my-org"
API-TOKEN = "123456abcdef"

When using the --config-file flag you can skip the file extension. For example, to list environments with org and api-token in the configuration file you would run:

$ kosli list environments --config-file=kosli-conf